
Celium Hub, Northland, NZ

New Technology

During the past few years a new trap has been introduced to our area. The AT220 is a self-setting trap with automatic lure dispenser. This battery-operated trap is an effective trap for possums and rats and can run for several months on only one charge. In areas with a high number of possums it is common to find a pile of deceased customers lying under the trap.

Over the past few years a trap monitoring system called Celium has also been introduced to our area. Two very high antennae have been erected at trig stations to receive signals from traps. A message is sent to the trapper to advise that a specific trap has tripped. The trap can then be cleared and serviced thus avoiding long periods where traps are not set, this has significantly improved trapping success in easy access areas.

In June 2020 Marunui received six kiwi, three males and three females, in an emergency translocation from Motuora due to severe droughts. While all kiwi arrived in poor condition, they rapidly regained in weight and health in their new habitat. Within a few months all six of the kiwis moved out of Marunui, and into Hancock Forest Management’s land. Sadly, in February 2021 the transmitter of Karamu, a male, gave a mortality signal and he was found dead. Prime suspects are a dog, ferret, stoat, or cat.   

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